The SSEP represents professionals working across all fields of Experimental Pharmacology. Its objectives are to promote and defend the interests of experimental pharmacologists in Switzerland and to advance scientific and translational research in the field.

Immagine: rcfotostock,

Gruppo parlamentare sui cambiamenti climatici

Disciolto alla fine del 2019

Questo gruppo ha comunicato e discusso le conoscenze attuali sul cambiamento climatico, i suoi effetti e le misure contro di esso.

Parliamentary Group «Climate Change»

The Parliamentary Group Climate Change was founded by 8 members of the parliament on 19 september 1996. The first president was Gian-Reto Plattner, Council of States member. The first Vice-President was the National Councillor Christiane Langenberger. The group was dissolved at the end of 2019. Last co-presidents were Council of States member Raphaël Comte and National Council member Kathy Riklin.



ProClim − Forum per il clima e i cambiamenti globali (ProClim)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna