LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 and its Young Scientists' Satellite.
Topic: "The Complexity of Life: From Molecular Assemblies to Networks". February 12-13, 2025, Fribourg.
SSEP organized a mini-symposium entitled "Personalized and systems pharmacology" chaired by Georgia Konstantinidou (University of Bern) and Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska (University of Geneva).
Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Olivier Michielin (University of Geneva) "Data science and AI for precision oncology".
Speakers selected from abstracts: Paolo Armando Gagliardi (University of Bern) "Targeting emergent properties of signaling dynamics: collective ERK-activity waves in PIK3CA H1047R mutant Cells" and Sacha Jacobs (University of Geneva) "Investigation of the anti-tumour immune response in advanced colorectal cancer co-culture model".
Annual Spring Meeting 2025 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Topic : "New Horizons in didease prevention". April 24, 2025, Auditorium Langhans, Inselspital, Bern. Deadline for registration and abstract submission: March 21, 2025.
CME Credits: SSCPT: 6 credit points; SGPM/SwAPP: 7 credit points.
For further details see the flyer below
Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP)
c/o Prof. Dr. Georgia Konstantinidou
Université de Berne
Institute of Pharmacology
3010 Berne