The SSEP represents professionals working across all fields of Experimental Pharmacology. Its objectives are to promote and defend the interests of experimental pharmacologists in Switzerland and to advance scientific and translational research in the field.

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LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 and its Young Scientists' Satellite.

Topic: "The Complexity of Life: From Molecular Assemblies to Networks". February 12-13, 2025, Fribourg.

SSEP organized a mini-symposium entitled "Personalized and systems pharmacology" chaired by Georgia Konstantinidou (University of Bern) and Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska (University of Geneva).

Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Olivier Michielin (University of Geneva) "Data science and AI for precision oncology".

Speakers selected from abstracts: Paolo Armando Gagliardi (University of Bern) "Targeting emergent properties of signaling dynamics: collective ERK-activity waves in PIK3CA H1047R mutant Cells" and Sacha Jacobs (University of Geneva) "Investigation of the anti-tumour immune response in advanced colorectal cancer co-culture model".

Annual Spring Meeting 2025 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Topic : "New Horizons in didease prevention". April 24, 2025, Auditorium Langhans, Inselspital, Bern. Deadline for registration and abstract submission: March 21, 2025.

CME Credits: SSCPT: 6 credit points; SGPM/SwAPP: 7 credit points.

For further details see the flyer below


Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP)
c/o Prof. Dr. Georgia Konstantinidou
Université de Berne
Institute of Pharmacology
3010 Berne