The SSEP represents professionals working across all fields of Experimental Pharmacology. Its objectives are to promote and defend the interests of experimental pharmacologists in Switzerland and to advance scientific and translational research in the field.

Image : rcfotostock,


Membership in the SSEP provides a number of important benefits:

Regular communication: Information about key developments in the field and access to a discussion forum on specific topics.
Meetings: Participation in regular scientific meetings organized by the SSEP and affiliated societies.
Networking: Opportunity to establish cooperations with other members of the SSEP and affiliated societies in Switzerland and abroad, e.g. LS2 (Life Sciences Switzerland), SCNAT (Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences), IUPHAR (International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, where the SSEP is represented by Stephan von Gunten and Uwe Simon), and EPHAR (Federation of European Pharmacological Societies).

Financial support: Travel grants/fellowships for young investigator members (Master and PhD students and new, also postdocs) via SSPT (Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology), see page "Travel Grants".

How to become a member?

The principle requirement for membership is an active interest in the field of pharmacology. The application form (download application form) and curriculum vitae (CV) are sent as single PDF file via email to the secretary of SSEP.

The annual membership fee is determined at the general assembly, on proposition of the council. A part of this fee is paid to the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT), which maintains national and international relations in the interest of SSEP. At the general assembly 2010 in Lugano it was decided that regular members pay an annual fee of CHF 65.- and student members pay CHF 45.-, and this has not changed since.

An article that appeared in Chimia (Weitz-Schmidt and Rüegg, The Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology in Times of Change, Chimia 70, 864-867) and describes the activities of the SSEP can be downloaded here.